Peaceable Journey

By aligning our lives with our deepest values, we can help each other cultivate the understanding, abiding commitment and compassionate community needed to create a better future for us all.

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Those of us who created Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home, the film that inspired this web site, believe very strongly that each of us has to find our own way when it comes to morality and ethics. When we take the time to clarify our own core values and build upon them a set of personal goals and guidelines, we lay the foundation for a more engaged and empowered way of life.

By way of example, what follows is a statement of principles and life lessons that guided some of us at the time Peaceable Journey was conceived. It reflects what we've learned from putting our vision into action, experiencing both success and failure over several years of effort. It also includes insights gleaned from our dialog with people from all walks of life and at all stages of the journey toward personal integration and responsible global citizenship.

This statement is a work in progress. As our understanding grows, as we take in feedback and evolve as human beings, we expect it to evolve as well. We hope these words and the principles behind them will serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement as you discover and navigate your own peaceable path.

Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home


EarthOur Peaceable Path

The human species now faces an unprecedented ecological and ethical crisis, a historical turning point from which the decisions we make will determine for generations to come whether our society and our ecosystem come into balance, remain in a state of crisis, or fall into irreversible decline. We believe that the best possible outcome will be achieved through individual people becoming informed, taking responsibility, and working together with others to create a more just, compassionate and sustainable future for all.

Recognizing that the consequences of our decisions fall heavily on the vulnerable individuals of this world, especially nonhuman animals and children, we actively seek a deeper understanding of how our decisions impact others and work step-by-step to eliminate our own participation in domination, exploitation and violence.

Since acceptance of injustice is often based on a lack of awareness of the true nature of those being harmed, we seek to share what we have learned about their emotional lives, family bonds, individuality, beauty and intelligence. We also work to expose the truth about what happens when they are used and killed, and the catastrophic damage our collective participation in this tragedy is doing to us and our environment.

We support the transition to a more just and compassionate way of life by encouraging the adoption of nonviolent, sustainable alternatives. We refrain from using or endorsing "new and improved" versions of products that are often promoted as somehow compassionate, respectful or humane, when in reality they have been created as a result of controlling or taking the life of another. We do not participate in programs or initiatives that provide financial or public relations benefits to those caught up in profiting from using or killing others, or that mislead the public about the true nature of these activities or the impact they are having on our world.

We do our best to relate to others in a respectful and nonjudgmental manner, and to remain mindful of our own personal limitations as well as the complex social, psychological, cultural and economic forces that can lead any of us to fall short of our true potential. We endeavor to maintain our connection with what is authentic, life-affirming and courageous in ourselves and in others, and therefore reject methods that involve manipulating or deceiving others or appealing to greed, fear and other destructive human tendencies. We do not seek conflict, yet we will not shy away from confronting dishonesty or injustice when necessary, recognizing that the struggle for justice will always include a measure of discomfort and difficulty.

We strive not to compromise our own principles in order to accomplish short-term goals, and are committed to protecting the integrity of the foundational work that is essential to the long-term transformation of our society. We also do our utmost to conserve the legacy of the generations who did this work before us, and when necessary, actively oppose the dilution, misuse and exploitation of the principles and language they gave meaning to with their hard work and many sacrifices.

In walking our path, we remain aware that appearances can be deceiving, and that at times we might be operating under a mistaken impression of others. We have seen that those caught up in the worst of exploitation are sometimes capable of dramatic shifts in consciousness and of taking action out of altruism and a respect for justice. We have also seen that some of those who appear to be serving a worthy cause may themselves be caught up in exploiting the altruism and trust of others in pursuit of their own private agendas.

In light of the challenges before us, we envision a new leadership dynamic: An informed and empowered group of individuals standing together in a circle of equals, each able to act independently, each capable of offering inspiration and direction to the others, each capable of recognizing when another has a better idea for the task at hand, and all joining in a collaborative effort in which the role of "leader" seamlessly flows from person to person as needs and opportunities evolve.

By aligning our lives with our deepest values, we can help each other cultivate the understanding, abiding commitment and compassionate community needed to create a better future for us all.